Heart work

Sometimes There is this overwhelming feeling That No matter what I do, it’s not enough Not good enough, not right enough, just not Enough. But then there are days like I had this week that prove time and time again- that I’m in the exact right place, doing the next right thing. Living out my …

Coming Home

I was lost A wanderer Didn’t want to be found Poking, prodding, up-leveling Master of my soul: He reached out + yanked me back into myself Returning to the Knowing Returning to love We are Home -EMC // 1.3.2020

the flame

the match to his flame the calm to the raging sea behind his eyes the thread that stitches his wounds back together the light that shines into the depths of his soul the touch he craves when his world is caving in around him -EMC


I need you// you reached inside my chest & bared my heart & soul to the earth moon and stars // vulnerable: yet I am comforted by the peace that is brought when you (once again) place my bare feet firmly upon the ground: a necessary task to be sure// for the clouds cry out …